I'm Rebecca Dale...


My mission is to guide women back to remembrance of how powerful and magical they are. I believe that every woman has a light inside of them that longs to be seen.
Your hopes + dreams
Your goals + desires 
Your authentic expression
Like no other time in history, women are awakening to what's possible for them. Old beliefs and systems we once believed in are crumbling and a NEW way of Being + LIVING is being born.
The desire to create a life AND world we truly want is getting stronger and the nudge from our intuition to "take the leap" is getting louder. Do you hear it like I do?
The truth is though, desiring alone is not enough...
In order to create the lives we really want we have to heal our bodies, rewire our minds from conditioning and limiting beliefs, come back to our souls and connect to a new vision for our lives with hope and confidence.
Letting go of what we know is not always easy. In fact in can be downright scary to own your true desires, quit the security of a job, start new habits, heal trauma or start over from scratch. (I know because I've done all of it multiple times).
But saying YES to yourself, your truth, your dreams and walking this path will be the most incredible thing you ever do. It is without a doubt the best thing I've ever done.
I can't tell you exactly how things will work out or walk the path for you, because your journey will be totally unique to you, BUT I can promise to walk it alongside you, cheering you on, supporting you and guiding you to a place where you can discover for yourself and find the most authentic, powerful, confident, vibrant version of you.
I have intentionally chosen to do this work, put myself first + follow my desires in order to create a life that sets my soul on fire and I am passionate about helping you do the same. I invite you to join me on this powerful journey of transformation, liberation, expansion + abundance.
All my love,

Rebecca xo

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